Asset Management
A new SUPER Bike Path, slap bang in front of Galleria Borromea!
PrimoRE oversee 48 NEW Lease Contracts in 48 Months!!
PrimoRE is pleased to announce the appointment of C&W as new Property Managers.
CONTE - Biella Scarpe Grand Opening!
Re-Furbishing the Toilets at Galleria Borromea
Klepierre Italy
2019 BREEAM Certificate: Good Building Good Management!
4,500,000 Visitors in 2018!!
New Road Signage - easy to read!
Phase 2 - Re-Styling the Entrances at Galleria Borromea
La Gustaria - a Bigger Better Foodcourt at Galleria Boromea
Rationalising the Vertical Circulation
BREEAM Certificate: Good Building Good Management!
Re-Styling the Pedestrian Entrances at Galleria Borromea
PrimoRE announce Sonae Sierra, engaged as Property Managers for Galleria Borromea
PrimoRE advises Europa Capital in acquiring Milan Shopping Centre for over €80 million